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Tour Overview and Itinerary

Below is a summary of our tour itinerary:

  • 7:00-7:40am: Passengers picked up at accommodations around Exmouth by our bus.
  • 7:50am: Arrive at Tantabiddi boat ramp to board our vessel, Seazone.
  • 8:30am: Depart Tantabiddi to head out into the Ningaloo Reef.
  • 9:00am: First snorkel on the amazing corals of the Ningaloo Reef.
  • 9:30am: Spotter plane takes off to look for megafauna.
  • 9:45am: Morning Tea
  • 10:00am: Vessel starts cruising the outer reef looking for megafauna to swim with.
  • 12:30-2:00pm: Head back into the inner reef for a delicious lunch.
  • 12:30-2:00pm: Snorkel on the spectacular Ningaloo Reef. Divers dive the Ningaloo Reef & Try Dives too if conditions and time allow.
  • 2:30pm: Afternoon tea whilst cruising back to Tantabiddi on the lookout for dolphins, turtles or dugongs.
  • 3:00-3:30pm: Arrive at Tantabiddi and board the bus for the trip back to Exmouth.

*Times may vary depending on the conditions and activities on individual days

How we choose the right whales to interact with in-water

Our Spotter Pilot and our crew are continually scanning the horizon, looking for distant spouts that signal humpback whale pods. The more pods we spot, the more pods our pilot gets to screen for suitability. 

When we locate a pod, our pilot flies overhead and checks:

  • the whales behaviour
  • if the pod is in a location suitable to attempt an interaction with, and
  • most importantly, that there are no undersized calves in the pod.
    (Our tours are operated to minimise risk of disturbance to under-sized calves or their mothers at any stage.) 

Our Pilot then lets our Skipper know that the potential pod has successfully passed screening. Our tour boat then heads over to the pod, where the skipper visually assesses the pod to confirm suitability to attempt an interaction with.

Once your Skipper confirms the pod is suitable to attempt an interaction with, they will direct your guide to get your group into the water. Your guide will then lead your group towards the optimal location for interacting with the target whale pod. 

Your guide has an in-water radio and is continually receiving directions from our skipper and our pilot where to head to get your group in the best possible location to successfully interact with these whales.

Hopefully leading you to witness the size and majesty of a humpback whale underwater.  

Our humpback whale tours will always be operated in a way that humpback whales choose whether or not to interact with us. We do not force an interaction on the whales – the only way this will work safely and sustainably is that the interaction has to be the whales’ choice at all times. 

Our staff are all trained to be able to participate in ‘Low Impact Whale Interactions’ – which is something we strongly support.

For more information about ‘Low Impact Whale Interactions’, see ‘How the Humpback Whale interaction works’.

Ready for a truly unforgettable experience? 

Book now and ensure you don’t miss the chance to witness a whale interaction during your visit to the Ningaloo!  

Join our Trip Leader as they guide you through what to expect on your unforgettable day out with us on a humpback whale tour! A must-watch!